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(biodynamic, ecological, organic agriculture ...)


Alternative Agriculture 

Contents: Part One. Executive Summary. 1. Agriculture and the Economy. 2. Problems in U.S. Agriculture. 3. Research and Science. 4. Economic Evaluation of Alternative Farming Systems. Part Two. The Case Studies. 1. Crop and Livestock Farming in Ohio: The Spray Brothers. 2. A Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm in Southwest Iowa: The BreDahl Farm. 3. A Diversified Crop and Livestock Farm in Virginia: The Sabot Hill Farm. 4. A Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm in Pennsylvania: The Kutztown Farm. 5. Crop-Livestock Farming in Iowa: The Thompson Farm. 6. Tree Fruits, Walnuts, and Vegetables in California: The Ferrari Farm. 7. Florida Fresh-Market Vegetable Production: Integrated Pest Management. 8. Fresh Grapes in California and Arizona: Stephen Pavich & Sons. 9. Integrated Pest Management in Processing Tomatoes in California: The Kitamura Farm. 10. Livestock Farming in Colorado: Coleman Natural Beef. 11. Rice Production in California: The Lundberg Family Farms. Glossary. Index. 

Author: Committee on the Role of Alternative Farming Methods in Modern Production Agriculture. Board on Agriculture.  National Research Council (USA).  Washington, 1989.  448 p.

Publisher: National Academy Press


Bio-Dynamic Agriculture An Introduction

Contents: Chapter One: Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Today.  Chapter Two: Farm Organism And Landscape. Chapter Three: Plant Life, Soils, Fertilizing. Chapter Four: Practical Aspects Of The Bio-Dynamic Principle. Chapter Five: Practical Experiences On Bio-Dynamic Farms. Chapter Six: Animal Husbandry And Feed Production. Chapter Seven: The Sick Animal. Chapter Eight: The Bio-Dynamic Method In Garden, Orchard And Vineyard. Chapter Nine: Quality Through Growing Methods. Chapter Ten: Bio-Dynamic Production And The Consumer. Chapter Eleven: Conclusion And Future Prospects. Bibliography.

Authors:  herbert h. Koepf, Emerson College, Forest Row, Sussex, England, bo d. Pettersson, Järna, Sweden and Wolfgang Schaumann, Bad Vilbel, West Germany.  New York, The anthroposophic press, Copyright © 1976.  404 p.


Green Technologies for a More Sustainable Agriculture

Abstract: "For U.S. agriculture to continue along a sustainable path of economic development, further production increases must be generated by technologies that are both profitable and more environmentally benign. In this context, we assess the role of these green or sustainable technologies in steering agriculture along a more sustainable path. However, the lack of markets for the environmental attributes associated with green technologies can limit their development. In addition, simply making a technology available does not mean it will be adopted. Experience with green technologies such as conservation tillage, integrated pest management, enhanced nutrient management, and precision agriculture demonstrates that even when technologies are profitable, barriers to adopting new practices can limit their effectiveness". (Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 752. 48 pp, July 1999).

Authors: James Hrubovcak, Utpal Vasavada, and Joseph Aldy.

Source: Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of  Agriculture.

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