Better Mousetrap.
Improving Pest Management for Agriculture
I. Introduction: The Pesticide Dilemma. II. Applying Pesticides: Is There a Better Way?
III. Putting Nature to Work: Biological Methods of Pest Control. IV.
Putting the Pieces Together: Integrated Pest Management. V. Building Better Systems: Where Do We Go From Here?
Autor: Michael
J. Dover. World
Resources Institute, 1985. 96 p. ISBN:
Agricultural Chemical Usage (PCU-BB)
"This full-text report presents chemical application rates
and acres treated by major producing states and US for field
crops annually (corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, wheat);
selected fruit crops and selected vegetable crops are reported
in alternate years.Special reports present information related
to chemical applications for selected crops in storage
facilities (post harvest) and chemicals used on livestock,
poultry, buildings and roadways".
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural
Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Antibiotic Use for Plant Disease Management in the United States
Patricia S. McManus, Department of Plant Pathology, University
of Wisconsin, Madison 53706-1598; and Virginia O. Stockwell,
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State
University, Corvallis 97331-2902. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
A strategic plan to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics
"The recent reports of three Americans infected by
Staphylococcus bacteria that were resistant to the antibiotic
vancomycin triggered only fleeting news coverage. The cases
should have sent shudders through the medical community and the
public, because vancomycin is the last line of defense in
treating deadly hospital-acquired staph infections. Despite
vancomycin’s value, a recent study showed that 63 percent of
vancomycin prescriptions were inappropriate. The cases of
vancomycin-resistant staph, taken together with widespread
resistance to penicillin, tetracycline, and other antibiotics,
demonstrate the urgent need to prevent antibiotics from losing
their effectiveness against diseases that are now curable.
Despite antibiotics’ extraordinary value, the overuse of those
miracle drugs in medicine and agriculture endangers their
continued effectiveness. The more antibiotics are used, the more
likely it is that bacteria will develop mechanisms to evade them".
report was written by
Patricia B. Lieberman, Ph.D., and Margo G. Wootan, D.Sc. The
authors thank Dr. Richard Novick of New York University Medical
School; Dr. Louis Rice of the VA Medical Center in Cleveland,
Ohio; Dr. Sidney Wolfe, executive director of Public Citizen
Health Research Group in Washington, D.C.; and Dr. Karim Ahmed,
Deputy Director of Health, Environment, and Development at the
World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C. for reviewing this
report. Editor: Center for Science in
the Public Interest.
Atrazine Environmental Characteristics and Economics of Management
"Restricting or eliminating the use of atrazine in the
Midwest would have important economic consequences for farmers
and consumers. Atrazine is an important herbicide in the
production of corn and other crops in the United States. Since
atrazine is such an important herbicide, mandatory changes in
application strategies are likely to generate sizable costs for
producers and consumers. However, recent findings indicate that
elevated amounts of atrazine are running off fields and entering
surface water resources. This report presents the costs and
benefits of an atrazine ban, a ban on pre-plant and pre-emergent
applications, and a targeted ban to achieve a surface water
standard. A complete atrazine ban is hypothesized to be the
costliest strategy, while the targeted strategy is the least
Marc O. Ribaudo and Aziz Bouzaher
Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Agricultural
Economics Report No. 699. 28 pp, September 1994).
Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America
guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological
control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests
in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and
practice of biological control and integrated pest management
(IPM). Whether you are an educator, a commercial grower, a
student, a researcher, a land manager, or an extension or
regulatory agent, we hope you will find this information useful.
The guide currently includes individual pages of approximately
100 natural enemies of pest species, and we envision continued
expansion. On each of these pages you will see photographs,
descriptions of the life cycles and habits, and other useful
information about each natural enemy. Four types of natural
enemies are included in this guide and the guide logo shows,
with links, representatives of each of the types. Clicking on
any of the four parts of the logo, wherever it appears, will
allow navigation to that section of the guide".
"Parasitoids. This wasp is laying its egg inside an
aphid where its young will develop. Parasitoid immatures develop
on or inside a host, killing it as they mature. They emerge as
adults and continue the cycle. Predators. Lady
beetles are well-known examples of predatory insects. A predator
consumes many prey during its lifetime. The predators listed in
this guide feed on insects and mites. Pathogens. This
nematode is just one example of a pathogen which may kill its
host. Other pathogens include bacteria, viruses, fungi and
protozoa. This section also includes antagonists which control
plant diseases. Weed Feeders. Weeds can be attacked
by arthropods, vertebrates, and pathogens (fungi, viruses,
bacteria, and nematodes). This weevil feeds only on one
particular type of weed called purple loosestrife".
Cornell University. Cathy Weeden, Tony Shelton, Yaxin Li
and Mike Hoffmann.
Biological Control Of Weeds
World Catalogue Of Agents And Their Target Weeds. "This
fourth edition provides a comprehensive reference source to all
attempts at biological control of weeds undertaken to the end of
1996. A substantial number of new releases have been made the
third edition. The information is presented in four detailed
lists (see contents), in a modified format for easy use.
Each entry details the target weed, control agent, year of first
release, country of origin of agent, status and degree of
control, research organization involved, and key references".
M.H. Julien and M.W. Griffiths. Publication Date: 1997. Number
of Pages: 239 pages. Publisher: CABI. ISBN:
085199234X. (Source: ElectricPress.com opening books to the world for full text display of scientific, technical, and medical books).
Bunts and smuts revisited. Has the air been
In the current era when worldwide commerce of agricultural and
food products is critical to the economic well being of many
countries, great concern develops when movement of such
commodities is interrupted by quarantines. In some cases, these
quarantines involve plant pathogens. One example of this has
involved the smut fungi; particularly dwarf bunt and Karnal
bunt. Many countries have an embargo on receiving grain carrying
teliospores or bunted kernels of Karnal bunt (Fig. 1), thus
restricting movement of grain from areas where this pathogen is
known to occur. This review is directed toward the current
situation regarding these two pathogens of wheat".
Don E. Mathre, Department of Plant Sciences, Montana State
University. Bozeman, MT.
American Phytopathological Society.
Burkholderia cepacia:
friend or foe?
extraordinary bacterium Burkholderia cepacia is currently
attracting considerable attention for its extraordinary
versatility as a plant pathogen, saprophyte, biocontrol agent,
bioremediation agent, and human pathogen. Formerly known as
Pseudomonas cepacia, this bacterium was first described in 1950
as the cause of sour skin of onions by Cornell University plant
pathologist Walter Burkholder (1). P. cepacia was recently
renamed Burkholderia cepacia (2) and transferred to the beta
subdivision of the proteobacteria (3)".
by Jennifer
L. Parke,
of Botany and Plant Pathology, and Dept. of Crop and Soil
Science, Oregon State University. Editor: American
Phytopathological Society.
The christmas tree:
traditions, production and diseases
paper takes a historical look at the Christmas tree industry and
discusses three diseases that are limiting growers' ability to
meet the demand for noble and Fraser fir in North America".
Gary A. Chastagner, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington
State University, Puyallup, WA and D. Michael Benson, Department
of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
American Phytopathological Society.
Cytology of fungal infection
Exercises in Plant Pathology.
"To become familiar with the cytological events involved in
the establishment of infection by a fungal pathogen. To
understand the effect of various management practices on
particular infection events, and the significance of this to
disease management".
Vincelli. Department of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky.
American Phytopathological Society.
Ecologically Based Pest
Management, new solutions for a new century
1. Lessons from the past provide direction for the future. 2. Defining and implementing ecologically based pest management. 3. accelerating research and development. 4. Public oversight of ecologically based pest management. References.
Ralph W. F. Hardy, Roger N. Beachy and Harold Browning. Committee
on Pest and Pathogen Control through Management of Biological
Control Agents and Enhanced Cycles and Natural Proceses.
Board on Agriculture. National Reseaarch Council (USA).
Washington, 1996.
146 pages.
National Academy Press.
Economic Implications of the Methyl Bromide
"The pesticide methyl bromide is being phased out
internationally under the Montreal Protocol. Methyl bromide has
been used for over 50 years to control insect, nematodes,
pathogens, and weeds. It is used for soil fumigation before
planting many fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and agricultural
nurseries; for post-harvest fumigation of commodities in storage
and prior to shipment; and for government-required quarantine
treatment to prevent the spread of regulated exotic pests. Many
U.S. users are concerned that existing alternatives to methyl
bromide will be less effective and cause financial losses. To help
mitigate the impacts of the phaseout, USDA, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), universities, and private firms are
working to develop new alternatives and make them available to
methyl bromide users".
and Source: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 756 (AIB-756).
February 2000.
Fruit Pathology - Disease Diagnostic Key
diagnostic keys for deciduous tree fruit diseases were developed to aid field
personnel in the identification of diseases that are common to the mid-Atlantic
region of the United States. The keys are arranged to guide the user through a
series of logically arranged statements describing symptoms and signs of fruit
tree diseases. By selecting from a series of numbered statements, those which
most closely describe observations made in the field, the user should be able to
narrow the possibilities to only one or a couple of probable diseases. Clicking
on the symptom description (if highlighted) will link to a photographic image of
the symptom. Some disease names are linked to Fact Sheets containing additional
information on biology and disease monitoring".
West Virginia University.
Fusarium Head Blight of small grains. Return of an old problem
Fusarium head blight (FHB) of small grains
(a.k.a."Scab") was first described just over a century
ago and considered a major threat to wheat and barley during the
early years of this century (6). In recent years FHB has again
increased worldwide (28). The International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center (CIMMYT) has identified FHB as a major factor
limiting wheat production in many parts of the world (7). During
the past decade, several European conferences on Fusarium
diseases have been dominated by reports on FHB of cereals. The
most recent (1997) of these was attended by scientists from 28
countries on five continents (22). A 1996 conference on FHB
sponsored by CIMMYT also had worldwide participation (7)".
Robert W. Stack, Plant Pathology Dept. North Dakota State University.
Editor: American Phytopathological Society.
Genetically modified, insect resistant maize Implications for management ear and stalk diseases
"The evolution of genetically modified crops took a major
step in the mid-1990s with the approval and commercial release
of insect-resistant maize hybrids with transgenes derived from
the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt maize). The release of
Bt maize was met with great enthusiasm by many researchers and
crop managers because of its ability to very effectively control
European corn borers and other lepidopteran insects without the
use of foliar insecticides. Crop producers and the agricultural
industry rapidly accepted the technology and began to
incorporate it into their crop production practices. But
recently, controversy over production and use of genetically
modified crop cultivars has focused a great deal of public
attention on Bt maize..."
G. P. Munkvold, Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State
University, and R. L. Hellmich, USDA, ARS Corn Insects and Crop
Genetics Research Unit, and Department of Entomology, Iowa State
University. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
Identification of powdery mildew fungi
Exercises in Plant Pathology. Objectives: "To observe
powdery mildew signs on fresh plant material. To use
characteristics of sexual fruiting structures on fresh or dried
plant material to identify pathogens to genus".
Heffer, V., M.L. Powelson, and K.B. Johnson. Oregon State
University. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
Implications of sequencing the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans genome for plant nematology
A milestone in an animal. Implications for plant
nematology. Gene cloning. Transformation. Gut antigens.
Dauer larva development. Synteny cloning. Genome sequencing
effort - a precedent. Evolution of plant parasitism.
Distinctions unveiled. Outlook. Resources celebrating C.
by Joseph Esnard Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell Univ.,
Editor: American Phytopathological Society.
Index of fruit disease photographs, biology and monitoring information
following plant pathologists provided written material, photographs, or both,
for The Mid-Atlantic Orchard Monitoring Guide. Photos from the Guide were used
to link to the symptom descriptions in the disease key, and photos and text from
the Guide were used to develop the "fact sheet" pages.
Also, some of the authors listed below provided articles and photographs for the
Disease Focus" series".
West Virginia University.
Pest Management and
Identification - Pests of Home and Landscape. Pest Notes
Pests of structures, homes, people, and pets. Insect, mite, and mollusc pests of plants. Plant diseases. Nematodes. Weeds and unwanted plants. Vertebrates.
UC Statewide IPM Project developed the Pest
Management Guidelines, Pest
Notes, and Weed
Photo Gallery databases to provide practical information on
pest management techniques and identification for a broad range
of California pests. Management suggestions apply to California,
but also may be useful in other areas. This information is
frequently modified and expanded to reflect recent changes in
pest management techniques, pesticide registrations, and pest
status.The primary sources of information for all three
databases are scientists at the University of California's
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR). These
databases are maintained by the Statewide IPM Project".
California - Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project.
Pest Management in U.S. Agriculture
"This report describes the use of pest management
practices, including integrated pest management (IPM), for major
field crops and selected fruits and vegetables. The data came
chiefly from the 1996 Agricultural Resource Management Study
(ARMS) developed by USDA. Because different pest classes may
dominate among different crops and regions, requiring different
pest management techniques to control them, the extent of
adoption of pest management practices varies widely. For
example, insects are a major pest class in cotton production,
while minor for soybeans. As insect management has a wider
variety of nonchemical techniques than weed control, cotton
growers are expected to be further ahead on the IPM continuum
than soybean producers".
Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Sharon Jans.
Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Agricultural
Handbook No. 717. 84 pp, October 1999).
Pest Management & Identification -
Pests of Agricultural Crops, Floriculture and Ornamental Nurseries, and Commercial Turfgrass. UC Pest Management
UC Pest Management Guidelines database supplies the University
of California's official guidelines for pest monitoring
techniques, pesticides, and nonpesticide alternatives for
managing insect, mite, nematode, weed, and disease pests in
agricultural crops, floriculture and ornamental nurseries,
commercial turf, and in homes and landscapes. The guidelines are
written by researchers, specialists, and farm advisors, and are
updated regularly as pesticide registrations change and new
methods become available".
Safety and Training. WPS Training for Fieldworkers:
Teaching Workers How to Protect Themselves from Pesticide
Hazards in the Workplace
91-page booklet is the instructor's manual, PDF
designed to be used with the video "Protecting Yourself
From Pesticide Hazards in the Workplace." The manual
provides instructors with ideas and examples of interactive
activities to increase comprehension of the pesticide-related
workplace hazards and ways that workers can avoid these hazards.
The video and accompanying activities cover all the points that
must be addressed when conducting Worker Protection Standard
(WPS) training for fieldworkers. Printing this PDF file will
provide you with a camera-ready version of the booklet, suitable
for copying. Copies of the video have been provided to each
state pesticide regulatory agency and Cooperative
Extension Service
Pesticide Applicator Training Coordinator".
Pesticide Reregistration Status
United State. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of
Pesticide Programs.
Production Practices for Major Crops in U.S. Agriculture, 1990-97
"This report presents information on nutrient and pest
management practices, crop residue management, and other general
crop management practices in use on U.S. farms. The public has
expressed concerns about the possible undesirable effects of
contemporary agricultural practices on human health and natural
resources. Partly as a response to these concerns, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture began collecting information from
farmers on their agricultural production practices in 1964. In
1990, through the President’s Water Quality Initiative, the
USDA expanded its data collection efforts. The information
presented in this report is largely for the 1990’s. Although
the information cannot contribute to the science underlying the
debate about the effects of agriculture on human health and
environmental risk, it can provide information on the use of
relevant inputs and production practices that are likely to
abate, or to exacerbate, undesirable effects".
Padgitt, Doris Newton, Renata Penn, and Carmen Sandretto.
Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Bulletin No. 969. 114 pp, September 2000).
Phytoplasmas casts a magic spell that turns the fair Poinsettia into a christmas showpiece
History of poinsettia cultivars. Proof of phytoplasmal etiology.
Identity and geographic distribution of the poinsettia
branch-inducing phytoplasma. Friend or foe?
Ing-Ming Lee, USDA, ARS, PSI, Molecular Plant Pathology
Laboratory, BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
Plant Diseases
"Plant Disease Profiles are brief descriptions of important
plant diseases around the world. Included in each is information
about the pathogen, hosts, history, symptoms, losses, disease
cycle, and methods of disease management".
Contents: Apple Scab. Fire Blight. Late Blight. Sigatoka.
A. Arneson. Department of Planta Pathology. Cornell
Plant Disease Management
Plant Disease Epidemiology: Plant Disease Epidemiology? Disease Progress. The Cyclical Nature of Plant Disease. Monocyclic Epidemics. Polycyclic Epidemics. Combinations of Monocyclic and Polycyclic Epidemics. Mathematical Models. Monocyclic Inoculum Production. Polycyclic Inoculum Production. Modelling Disease Progress. Monocyclic Disease Progress. Polycyclic Disease Progress. The Upper Limit to Disease. Estimating Model Parameters.
Spatial Aspects of Plant Disease: Splash Dispersal. Wind Dispersal. Vectors. Dispersal of Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Long-Distance Dispersal. References.
Plant Disease Management Strategies.
A. Arneson. Department of Planta Pathology. Cornell
Another access:
Plant Disease Lessons
FUNGI AND FUNGUS-LIKE ORGANISMS. Ascomycetes/Imperfect Fungi.
Apple scab. Blackleg of oilseed rape including canola. Brown rot of stone fruits.
Dutch elm disease. Ergot of rye. Take-all root rot of small grains and turfgrass.
Verticillium wilt. Basidiomycetes. Coffee rust. Rhizoctonia diseases of turfgrass.
Southern blight. Stem rust of wheat and barley. Stinking smut (common bunt) of wheat. Oomycetes.
Downy mildew of grape. Late blight of potato and tomato. NEMATODES.
Lesion nematode. Soybean cyst nematode. PROKARYOTES. Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato.
Citrus canker. Fire blight of apple and pear. VIRUSES. Barley yellow dwarf.
Tobacco mosaic.
American Phytopathological Society.
Plant Pathology:
Past to Present
Pathology: Past to Present is an illustrated storybook
describing the origin, relevance, and science of
plant pathology. The story unfolds as if told by Anton deBary,
father of plant pathology, and is suitable for elementary and
secondary students to adults. The storybook is available for
download in English and in Spanish translation.
Frank Tainter. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
Simulations for Teaching
A. Arneson. Department of Planta Pathology. Cornell
" This version of Applescab is the original Fortran IV
version, first written in 1977 for a mainframe computer and
later adapted by Robert C. Seem and Phil A. Arneson for the
IBM PC. It simulates the development of the fungus Venturia
inaequalis on apples in response to weather and various
management practices. It still has the old line-by-line
input/output and limited on-line help of these early
simulators, and the user's manual is no longer available. It
is posted here in Teaching Plant Pathology because people
are still asking for it. (For nostalgic reasons? Who knows?)
The original Fortran source code is packaged with it for
anyone who wants to examine the anatomy of a biological
"simulates the sterile insect release method of insect
population suppression, conceived by E. F. Knipling and
first demonstrated on the Caribbean island of Curaçao in
1955. This program allows the user to investigate the
effects of several variables on the effectiveness of sterile
insect release in situations that are more realistic than
Knipling's original model".
"simulates the development of the fungus, Phytophthora
infestans, on potatoes in response to weather and various
management practices. The program presents a realistic
management situation with choices of host plant
characteristics, source of seed, proximity to sources of
inoculum, and the application of both protectant and
systemic fungicides".
"simulates the spray application of fungicides, either
singly or in combination, for the control of a fungus. A
fungicide resistant population of the fungus is selected in
response to the fungicide use. Changing parameters alters
the model to simulate different specific fungi and the
fungicides used to control them".
The future world food situation and the role of plants diseases
Per Pinstrup-Andersen Director General International Food
Policy Research InstituteWashington, DC. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
The most important disease of a most important fruit
Ploetz. Tropical Research and Education
Center,University of Florida, IFAS, Homestead. Editor:
American Phytopathological Society.
Transgenic Virus Resistant
Papaya: new hope for controlling papaya ringspot virus in Hawaii
is a tropical fruit crop that is normally consumed fresh and is
valued as a health food because it's rich in vitamins C and A.
In Hawaii, small high quality papayas, called the Hawaiian solo
type, are grown commercially for export to the mainland United
States and Japan. It is the state's second largest fruit crop.
However, papaya is severely damaged when infected by the papaya
ringspot potyvirus (PRSV), which is rapidly transmitted by a
number of aphid species. In fact, PRSV causes the most serious
virus disease of papaya worldwide.
Dennis Gonsalves, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell
University, Steve Ferreira, Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Hawaii, Richard Manshardt, Department of
Horticulture, University of Hawaii, Maureen Fitch, USDA, Hawaii
Agricultural Research Center, and Jerry Slightom,
Molecular Biology Unit, Pharmacia & Upjohn Company.
Editor: American Phytopathological Society.
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