VIRUM - The Universal Virus Database
buscar por: a) all names, b) acronym, c) alphabetic, d) host, e) nucleic acid.
Research School of Biological Sciences. The Australian National
Internet Biodiversity Service
web pages are designed by H.
Fisher, Programs are created by D.
Hewzulla, the project leader is Prof.
M. C Boulter. The service is organized in four sections:
a) Search data. b) Pictures. c) IOP. d)
data in a multiple databases.
Find information by: Any
Genus, Species, family, order, class, phylum.
to the following databases:
Neogene mammals (Internet Biodiversity Service).
is a Eurasian Neogene terrestrial fossil mammals database.The database is
maintained and coordinated at the University of Helsinski by Mikael
Fotelius. It records the location of the fossils, and the locations
are records both with names and longitude, latitude cordinates".
Man and the Biosphere Programme. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"Databases of vascular plant and vertebrate animal occurrences on the world's biosphere reserves and other protected
areas". University of California at Davis.
Record 2. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"a near-complete listing of the diversity of life through time, compiled at the level of the family. you can search, and create diversity, origination, and extinction curves online by selecting different variety of groups".
The Fossil Record 2
database (Benton, M. J. (Ed.) 1993, Chapman & Hall,London. 845pp.)is
originally compiled in Excel by Dr. Mary Benton).
Drilling Program. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) is an international partnership of
scientists and research institutions organized to explore the evolution and
structure of Earth".
Plant Fossil Record.
(Internet Biodiversity Service).
by International Organisation of Paleobotany. "The Plant
Fossil Record (PFR2.2) database includes: descriptions and occurrences of
many thousands of extinct plants. For the first time modern genera with
fossil species are included in the description database. Names, places and
ages can be searched and the occurrences are instantly plotted on a
palaeogeographic maps. Patterns of migration and evolution through
geological time can be clearly examined to help better understand the
history of climatic and environmental change".
Vascular Plants. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"A database of vascular plant families and genera".
Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
(Internet Biodiversity Service).
25.630 Species, 72.000 Synonyms, 114.000 Common names, 29.000 Pictures,
24.000 references.
American Pleistocene Mammals. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
B. & Anderson, E. 1980. Pleistocene mammals of North America. Columbia
University Press, 442pp.
Microorganisms. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
Collection of Microorganisms (JCM) was founded in 1980 at RIKEN
(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), a semi-governmental
research institute supported by the Science and Technology Agency (now
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) of Japan, as
a culture collection of microorganisms. JCM contributes to domestic,
regional, and global improvements of conservation of microbiological
resources in cooperation with other culture collections and institutions.
JCM supplies authentic microorganisms to researchers in the fields of life
sciences and biotechnology. Available microorganisms from JCM are: about
3,900 strains of bacteria including actinomycetes, about 170 strains of
archaea and about 2,400 strains of fungi including yeasts".
Pollen Database. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"The Global Pollen Database currently includes data from Africa, the
Americas, and northern Asia. This database continues to grow as new data are
organized and made available by various regional data cooperatives such as
the Indo-Pacific Pollen Database, the Latin American Pollen Database, and
the North American Pollen Database. The voluntary coordinator of the Global
Pollen Database is Dr. Eric Grimm". The World Data Center System for
Families of Floweing Plants. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
"Managed by the International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI), the Global Plant Checklist (GPC) is a cooperative international project designed to help humanity manage the earth's biodiversity efficiently and
databases on-line. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
database have
been developed by the BioInformatics Group. Research
School of Biological Sciences. Institute
of Advanced Studies, Australian
National University.
Bivalves, Birds, Crustaceans, Fish, Gastropods, Reptiles. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
Florida Museum of Natural Hisotry.
Red List of Threatened Plants. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
1997 IUCN Red
List of Threatened Plants was published as a book in 1998 by IUCN (The
World Conservation Union), as part of IUCN/SSC's
red list programme. The searchable database provided here was developed by
WCMC (UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre), in collaboration with the
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. This database makes available 35,319 records
from the WCMC Threatened Plants Database of plants that are recorded as
globally threatened. In addition to information published in the book, WCMC
has included information on common names and synonymy. The WCMC
Threatened Plants Database contains information on over 136,000 plant taxa
of conservation importance based on 19,000 data sources. Data presented here
includes major contributions from the Association
for Biodiversity Information, National
Botanical Institute, Royal Botanic
Garden Edinburgh, Royal Botanic
Gardens Kew, IUCN's
Species Survival Commission, Smithsonian
Institution, The Nature Conservancy, The
New York Botanical Garden and Wildlife
Red list of Threatened Animals of the World. (Internet Biodiversity Service).
(UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre)
Animals Database holds information on threatened species and others
of conservation concern. Part of this database is common to the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Animals, and this information is available here in
interactive format. This information resource is a result of long-term
collaboration between countless individual scientists worldwide and many
organisations, notably the Species Survival Commission of IUCN, BirdLife
International and WCMC".
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